This causes the pores to become clogged and the surface hardens. As a result, the surface’s cushioning capabilities and elastic properties (which are essential to playgrounds) are reduced, its drainage properties are impaired, moss and algae growth occurs, the surface becomes slippery and the risk of injury is increased. In order to prolong the life of synthetic surfaces, they should be thoroughly cleaned on a regular basis, ensuring the removal of even deeply ingrained dirt. Sandmaster offers a modern and efficient process which does not require the addition of chemicals: The surface is cleaned with special machines using high pressure and rotating jets. A special feature of the process is the direct extraction of the dirty water, which is collected in a special tank. For only this way can it be ensured that even particulate matter is actually removed. Areas that are inaccessible to the machine, such as tight corners or underneath playground equipment, etc., can be cleaned with the aid of an integrated high-pressure spray lance. The compact design of these special machines even allows for cleaning of areas that are difficult to access. This already pays off when accessing the playground or sports field for the machine handles narrow gates and driveways wider than 1 metre with ease. If this modern and efficient cleaning process is implemented on a regular basis, the synthetic surfaces are kept in a long-lasting and good condition and their safe use is ensured. By the way: Ideally, the Sandmaster company can also carry out minor repairs right after the cleaning.
Making people aware of the value and benefits of open spaces: How to make landscape architecture more sustainable? If you want to build sustainably, you can follow guidelines and be benchmarked using assessment systems and certificates.
Konrad-Adenauer-Platz has been extensively redesigned. The aim was to improve the quality of stay through playground equipment, water, greenery and street furniture.
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