Inspect First - Then Refurbish
In recent years, the number of artificial pitches used to practise sports has continued to increase, largely replacing old surfaces such as ...
With BuenaVista you can create an attractive town appearance, a easily cared for garden or a stylish roof terrace in the twinkling of an eye.
Many towns and communities have realised the advantages presented by synthetic turf for creating a pleasing appearance in their urban areas. Possibilities are unlimited: Garden landscapes, parks, (play) areas, grass verges for streets and tram tracks, green corridors, roundabouts, airports, company grounds etc. In this way, public areas not only gain a pleasing appearance, but at the same time, maintenance costs are also greatly reduced. The products from the Desso BuenaVista range are also interesting for private users. The turf has the appearance of a perfectly maintained lawn all year round and offers a good solution for shady areas, roof terraces and areas around swimming pools, etc. In short, everywhere where natural grass grows poorly or not at all.
Advantages for community decision-makers are, among others, the possibility of improving the town appearance in areas where no grass grows. Independent of weather and season (the same appearance in summer and winter). Creation of a unique stamp on the environment: presentation of logos, colour combinations, etc. The synthetic turf can be installed quickly and easily on a variety of different substrates and requires only limited maintenance in contrast to natural grass.
A long-lasting and environmentally compatible investment: no water wastage, recyclable and suitable for many years’ use, no need for pesticides or fertilisers.
Reference objects are: Bluewater Shopping Centre, Greenhithe (UK) and Bede Academy, Blyth (UK).