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08.08.2013 - Ausgabe: 4/2013


The inaugural General meeting of the revised FEPI (Federation of European Play Industries) took place in Vienna on 21st May 2013 with a networking dinner taking place on the evening prior to the meeting.


The President of FEPI Johanna Ikäheimo ( Lappset) welcomed everyone to the meeting .

The meeting was attended by representatives from Lappset, Hags, Legnolandia and the Association of Play Industries (API)

The next FEPI General Meeting to which all members are invited is scheduled to take place in Milan on 26th September 2013.

About Federation of European Play Industries (FEPI)
FEPI, the Federation of the European Play Industries ( www.fepi-play.com ) represents the interests of European manufacturers and distributors of play equipment and safety surfacing along with European Trade Federations .
FEPI Main Objectives
• To raise awareness of the importance of children’s play for the wellbeing of children at the European level.
• To promote develop and protect the interests of the European play industry.
• Provide information to the members companies and associations on all European regulations concerning them on proposed laws and political decisions.
• To promote, or support any paper, journal, magazine or other publication dealing with the European play industry.
• To aim to improve child friendliness in Europe.


5 Good reasons for joining FEPI.
(1) Protect the European market from unsafe products.
(2) Supports companies that produce in Europe.
(3) Communicates with a single voice with offices at European level and the Technical Committee of regulations.
(4) Supports the Increase in play areas in Europe.
(5) Lobbies for the adoption of European standards in the rest of the world.

The membership is open to all European Playground and surfacing manufactures and also European play Federations and Associations.
If you would like further information on membership please contact info@fepi-play.com


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