Snug, manufactured by Yorkshire based Sutcliffe Play, transforms playgrounds into creative environments inspiring children to explore, create, discover and learn.
Since the introduction of Snug, teachers have noticed pupils are now more eager to involve themselves in physical activities outside. The large-scale kit has become known as the ‘construction playground’, where the children create teams and help each other build exciting playscapes.
Margaret Raman from Thornhill School, Botswana comments; “The children’s reaction to Snug is overwhelming. The kit has created a sense of fun at both play time and during lessons. When Snug first arrived the children were very excited, they had never seen anything like it before; they were all intrigued by the style, bright colours and texture of the pieces.It has brought about a new perspective to lesson ti mes and has been an encouraging teaching tool allowing classes to engage in creative problem solving.”
For further details on Snug visit
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