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04.01.2011 - Ausgabe: 6/2010

Keeping up with the latest trend with Lappset – Parkour, the new trend sport


This art of movement involves overcoming obstacles fluidly and smoothly using only the human body. For Traceurs, as practitioners of Parkour are called, performing spectacular tricks or stunts is secondary to actually moving forward as efficiently as possible. Unlike the similar practices of free-running or tricking, which place more emphasis on virtuosity and aesthetics, particularly beautiful and elegant movements or tricks are rather a side effect in Parkour. No other trend sport has taken the world such by storm as Parkour did. Parkour is a sport that involves overcoming obstacles by running, jumping, vaulting, brachiating, rolling, pulling oneself up or climbing. What makes it so special and appealing is the fact that the size of the obstacle, be it a railing, a street canyon or a house wall, and the falling or jumping distance hardly matters any more as the aim is to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible taking the most direct path. The street sport Parkour is quite rightly called a sport as it trains and enhances physical fitness, stamina, co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills as well as dexterity and simply is a fun way to keep fit. For further information, please visit www.lappset.de.

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