New outdoor fitness equipment by playfit®: Duplex back trainer
The increasing interest in inclusive fitness equipment prompted playfit® to put new products on the market which even disabled
people can easily use without overexerting themselves. At the 2010 GaLaBau in Nuremberg, the new Duplex back trainer was tested using an age simulator suit, simulating its use by mobility impaired elderly people who have lost their muscle strength.
Like all other playfit® equipment, also this item encourages communication and social interaction and is highly stimulating and physically challenging. It specifically helps improve your mobility and co-ordination, while at the same time it massages and loosens up your muscles. Gentle outdoor exercise gives you more energy to enjoy a new zest for life, it stimulates your body and mind as well as benefits your mental and physical well-being.
playfit® equipment is made of stainless steel and stands for quality, safety, long- lasting durability and an attractive appearance.
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