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10.06.2010 - Ausgabe: 3/2010

Playfix Indoor: Safety in indoor playgrounds


Architect Angelina Hien was glad to have found a safety flooring which allowed her to implement her design concept and which is easy to clean at the same time – all of which criteria that Playfix Indoor met. So far, safety flooring that was actually designed for outdoor use had usually been installed on indoor playgrounds. Its porous surface structure is not suitable for the floor cleaning appropriate to indoor areas. Playfix Indoor is different. This safety flooring is a combination of an elastic layer and a seamless PU coating. The result is a homogeneous safety flooring which is easy to clean. ‘The floor is not granular but smooth. Therefore it is very easy to clean. For children it is like a soft gym floor,’ says Angelina Hien, architect and managing director of Coreografia Production in Hergolding, about Playfix Indoor. Indeed, the BSW company developed Playfix Indoor on the basis of its flooring range for sports halls. For the indoor playground with an “Outer Space” design, the architect chose the special colour midnight blue. The Milky Way consisting of many individual stars was painted on the installed flooring using stencils. According to Ms Hien, another point in favour of Playfix Indoor was the fact that it can be painted. In this way, the most varied design concepts could be implemented. Integrated play equipment is seamlessly enclosed by Playfix Indoor. (www.berleburger.de)

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