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12.10.2023 - Ausgabe: 5/2023

The Reuterpark Lighthouse Project

© Sascha Engst/Bundesstadt Bonn

The city of Bonn has transformed its Reuterpark, which has been open to the public since 23 March 2023, into a "place for all". As the first inclusively designed park in Bonn, Reuterpark is considered a future project that makes an important contribution on the way to becoming an inclusive sports city. The park is equipped with many new features that invite people to do sports, play or just linger.

It was particularly important to the city and the initiative group "Ein Platz für alle" (A Place for All), which has been involved in the transformation of this place since 2013, to ensure that the park is designed in an inclusive way and that people of all generations, whether with or without disabilities, are enabled to use it. In the run-up, numerous citizens participated in the design process of the park. Bonn's Head of Sports and Culture Dr Birgit Schneider-Bönninger is happy to say that "the fact that we have been able to implement this park project for all people in such a central location, with the support of the federal state, is a milestone for the cohesion of the city's society". "This park will be a lively green oasis in Bonn.” 

One of the park’s highlights is the skate facility, which is suitable for wheelchair athletes as it seamlessly merges into the ground. The concept combines the usually separate pumptrack and bowl terrains, which allows a diverse and creative use for athletes. Of course, the facility is also suitable for skateboarding, inline skating, rollerblading or mountain biking.

In addition, there is inclusive play equipment on the two new playgrounds. Furthermore, there is inclusive play equipment on the two new playgrounds. For example, an oversized sound instrument for children that promotes both the sense of hearing and tactile senses by playing different keys for music. 

Another eye-catcher is the almost 22-metre-long "boomerang". A piece of play equipment with a varied netscape that offers plenty of play opportunities that also encourage older children to keep playing. The generous net offers a variety of climbing opportunities at the top and bottom that encourage children's cross coordination, balance and spatial awareness. The wide, sloping membrane provides a bouncy sliding and climbing experience that trains the sense of balance and core muscles. Under the net, swinging ropes provide a new balancing and climbing experience. This is a meeting point and seating area for large groups of children.

 The larger play island was given a honey-coloured plastic surface as fall protection, which children in wheelchairs can easily cross. The water table also stands on this surface. Adjacent to the water table there is the sand playground with further play equipment.


New green spaces instead of the former football pitch

Instead of the former tennis court that was previously on this site, the park has now become much greener. A lawn for sunbathing has been created, the green turf is greening up. Many seating and sunbathing areas are spread across the park.

In addition, 23 new trees were planted to complement the existing tree population: Among others, hornbeams, sweet chestnuts, Freemanii maple as well as shrubs, grasses and perennials. The park also has a new dog run, which is the sixth in the federal city, the first in the city district of Bonn and the first dog run to be fenced in. Many seating and sunbathing areas are spread throughout the park.

"The redesigned Reuterpark offers Bonn’s residents a place for exercise as well as recreation. We are pleased that despite slight delays the construction work went very well. Above all, Bonn's Fifth School and the House of Youth, which are located in the vicinity, benefit from the new facility and can use the space for their activities," says Stefan Günther, Head of the Sports and Baths Office, which together with the Office for the Environment and City Greens is responsible for the conversion. 


Inauguration of the first construction phase

The official inauguration of the first construction phase of the newly and inclusively designed Reuterpark took place on Saturday, 29 April 2023 with Mayor Katja Dörner,  North Rhine-Westphalian Minister for Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Digitisation Ina Scharrenbach, District Mayor Jochen Reeh-Schall and the initiative group "A Place for All":

"With its well elaborated, inclusive concept, Reuterpark has become a very special place in Bonn where everyone should feel comfortable. There is a wide range of barrier-free play, sports and recreation facilities - and offerings for everyone. I am very pleased that not only have all the trees been preserved, but additional trees have been planted," says Mayor Dörner. "I would like to thank the 'Ein Platz für Alle' initiative group for their great commitment and the Sports and Baths Office and the Office for the Environment and Urban Greenery for implementing this project. In addition, I thank the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia for its financial support, which helped to make this lighthouse project possible."


Planning for second construction phase in progress

The first construction phase was the southern park area with an area of around 15,000 square metres of the total 2.3-hectare site. The park in the Kessenich district runs between Reuterstraße, Hausdorffstraße, August-Bier-Straße and Bonner Talweg. The construction costs amount to around three million euros. Of this, 2.1 million euros will be subsidised by funds from the investment pact "Social Integration in the Neighbourhood". The planning for the second construction phase, situated adjacent to Reuterstraße, is currently in progress. Noise protection issues are currently being clarified, after which the plans will be further specified.


Statements on the Reuterpark


Ina Scharrenbach MdL, Minister for Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Digitisation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia:

"This park is an excellent example of how urban development funding can help improve life in our cities and communities. The facility is a first-class investment in the future of urban society and in the future of our children and young people. Sufficiently available and structurally well-equipped play, sports and local recreation areas are indispensable for the public good. At the same time, they are a valuable element for sustainable urban development. Federal and state urban development funds amounting to 2.1 million euros are flowing into this excellent project. Urban development funding in North Rhine-Westphalia will continue at a high level in the coming years."


Lord Mayor of the City of Bonn, Katja Dörner:

"The Federal City of Bonn attaches great importance to inclusive, child- and family-friendly urban development. Facilities like the Reuterpark are an important location factor in a growing municipality. They make a significant contribution to a healthy living environment that should take into account and appeal to as many people as possible.

In addition to the variety of play, sports and exercise opportunities, the aspects of barrier-free access, accessibility, quality of stay, climate crisis prevention and near-natural design play an important role. In a densifying city, we carefully select areas that are suitable as green spaces, recreational space, places for communication and meeting, living space or learning space for different age groups and people's needs.

When planning new areas or redesigning existing ones, the users' opinions are of course also very important - early participation promotes the acceptance and appreciation of the facilities by both users and residents.

Planning processes sometimes take time. Not only construction costs are a factor, but also important and extensive coordination processes. In the end, it's the result that counts: namely, a well-received facility that is appreciated in the surrounding area and that enriches the residential environment for children as well as parents, grandparents and residents. Just as the Reuterpark has succeeded in doing. The facility is a unique lighthouse project for Bonn and includes all people due to its complete barrier-free design - from accessibility to the diverse play or sports facilities. I hope that the park will also serve as a good example for other municipalities of how inclusion can be implemented in urban planning. 


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