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Articles in issue 2014 - 6

Playground Report

From urban jungle to school playground

To cope with its growing number of pupils, the primary school of the German School in Lisbon opened a new building in spring 2008 and for head Thomas Strobl it quickly became obvious that the children required an attractive play area. So he turned to the Spacenet Inventors from Corocord.


Design primer for sustainable schoolyards

Sustainable development is a terribly overstretched term and is often used in a way that warps its meaning. The Gestaltungsfibel "Nachhaltiger Schulhof"1 (design primer for sustainable schoolyards) hopes to make a contribution to meaningful use as part of future-orientated sustainable development and future-orientated education for sustainable development.


To promote the development potential of children it is necessary to design challenging activity venues

Living conditions and thus also the spaces available for exercise by growing children have changed out of all recognition.

Playground Report

Schoolyard becomes play landscape

Noses pressed flat against the construction site fence? Children only staring at the playground? Perhaps pulling the fence posts apart and secretly creeping in to already try out the play area? The long wait finally came to an end on 7 March 2013. The playground at the Schillerschule in Öhringen was opened.


Open spaces as learning environments

Traditional playgrounds and open spaces on preschool and school premises can be designed to create multiple opportunities to develop children’s social, motor and cognitive skills. This is particularly important owing to the increased amount of time some children spend at full day schools and in order to facilitate greater inclusiveness among children.


Playground Report

A feast for all the senses: working together to create a near-natural and activity-friendly school and play yard

'Learning together' is the motto of the GGS Herrenhauser municipal primary school in Mettmann near Düsseldorf in Germany.


The activity-friendly school playground − more important now than ever

Schoolyards and playgrounds are back in the news. Ignored for many years by urban planners, the introduction of all-day schooling in Germany has revived the discussion on how the recreational areas in our schools should be designed.

Playground Report

Living, learning and playing together in the school yard

The Beatrix School is a primary school with 275 pupils located in Rotterdam's Pendrecht district. It was originally a Protestant faith-based school but, just like the surrounding area, the Beatrix School has since become a multicultural melting pot in which at least 30 different nationalities rub shoulders with each other.

Playground Report

Movement-friendly schoolyards – A hallmark of the Groß-Gerau district

Some of those who are older still know the schoolyard as a place with trees, shrubs, trails leading to hidden spots, an adjoining school garden and a sports ground. This may still have been the case in the 1960s.


The role of physical activity in the prevention of disorders and the improvement of health

Exercise, play and sport are essential for the healthy overall development of children (see summary in Graf et al., 2014, Lees & Hopkins, 2013). These not only help with the acquirement of motor skills and abilities but also have specific effects on health (blood pressure, lipid levels, bone structure etc.), emotional, psychosocial and cognitive aspects.