Grand playground opening at Pieper Holz attracts both young and old
It was a long wait, but well worth it – the popular and highly frequented playground on the Pieper Holz premises in Assinghausen has been completed!
The official opening was celebrated with a varied supporting programme and plenty to eat and drink.
Aside from a large number of imaginative and well-proven pieces of play equipment, numerous new products show how much imagination and technical effort the Pieper Holz company puts into the design and planning of modern play facilities. One of these new products that can be marvelled at and tried out in the new playground is, for example, the “Wild 7” locomotive from the “Junior System”. Even very little explorers and adventurers can easily and playfully gain their first experience in crawling, climbing and sliding. Depending on their age and skills, the children can climb higher on numerous other, themed play facilities, up to large ascents and an exciting multi-storey slide area providing thrill rides on long and fast slides. The new adventure playground in Assinghausen is complemented by various pieces of outdoor fitness and exercise equipment. People of all ages can gently tone their muscles, increase their general well-being and improve blood circulation – and all this in the fresh and healthy Sauerland air. The new multi-generation playground with varied and exciting play opportunities for children and young people as well as many different pieces of fitness and exercise equipment for adults and senior citizens is open 24 hours a day and can be used free of charge by anyone enjoying play and exercise. The Pieper Holz company is looking forward to welcoming you! (
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