Chatsworth have recently enhanced their popular adventure playground in their farmyard with the addition of a Climbing Forest from Timberplay.
The Climbing Forest was selected because of the challenging opportunities it presents whilst remaining in keeping with the woodland setting of the park.
Housed within the Chatsworth farmyard, the new Climbing Forest comprises of vertical oak trunks, large nets and ropes to create a formidable play piece. Confidence and ability are put to the test as you traverse around the structure climbing unaided from one section to the next, negotiating the components to master the variety of challenges it presents. Ben Harbottle, Sector Head at Timberplay comments: “We were delighted to be given the opportunity to work with The Devonshire Estate at Chatsworth and we’re pleased that our Climbing Forest fitted their brief well. Initial feedback suggests that it has really hit the mark with the visitors and having been back to the site to see for myself, it’s great that it is engaging families and encouraging the parents to have a go as well.” The installation was completed in April 2012.
If you would like any information on how Timberplay could enhance your play facilities please call 0114 282 3474, email or take a look at the website,
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